This giraffe was such a ham for the camera, posing in all different directions for us. Apparently he has watched too much America's Next Top Model.
See the ostrich in the foreground? A male ostrich was chasing her trying to mate, she ran off, scaring the giraffes!
Also, look in the background and you can see how close the city is to the park!
Zebra's and a rhino
And finally, the random child on the bus we fought over window space with :)
- Jesus, I want that giraffe!
- That male ostrich needs to learn about consent!!!
- OK- even I admit wholeheartedly that those kids are undeniably damn freakin' cute. You know me- That's saying a lot.
- I'll buy a bag for me and a bag for M-G. Let me know the total cost and where to sent the $$$ to Pick ones that you think would suit us best and tell the ladies much thank you!
I want that giraffe too. He was awesome! More of a camera hog than you.
I'll pick out two bags today, and when I ship them I'll let you know the cost. Only problem is now I have to figure out which one MG would like.
great pics, keep em coming! and oh those cute giraffes. love them!
btw, thanks for the bag carter, as for which one i would like, maybe one with animals on it??
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